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HERE, WE meet Ki Williams, Key Account Manager, TTC Tour Brands.

Q: What was your first job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: I worked in a Service Station as a food server and it was customer service. Be kind, smile and help wherever I can, because you never know my interaction could have made their day.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: I really try to get to know my peers and how I can connect with and work with them. Plus, I love a new notebook to journal my new knowledge.

Q: What advice would you give someone thinking about starting a career in travel now?

A: There is no time like now. If it’s something you truly think you will enjoy then why not give it a go?

I’m so blessed to have a second chance in the travel industry after a short hiatus through COVID which allowed me to realise travel was in my blood.

Q: What did the pandemic teach you about yourself?

A: To be kind to myself, enjoy my family and the memories we can make. With that in mind we try and go camping every few months to new destinations to make more memories. And to smile – nothing is as bad as 2020 and 2021.

Q: Aisle or window seat and why?

A: 100 per cent aisle. I like that I can move when I want – I’m not the best at sitting down for a long period of time. I also make sure I let the people sitting beside me know that they can ask me to get up whenever they want as it doesn’t bother me.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: Say hi to everyone and find out how was their night/weekend. I generally need to allow myself extra time for this. Then, of course, get myself a coffee and fill up my water before I sit down.

Q: How do you think the travel industry is looking at this moment in time?

A: Travel is defiantly back and “revenge travel” is still happening. There are a few people holding off but I think this will flip in January once they see 2024 in real life and realise, they need to book that holiday they promised themselves.

Q: Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane, living or dead?

A: Julia Roberts or Blake Lively, two ladies that are both externally gorgeous but also seem generally kind and caring.

They are both mothers and have done the career and motherhood juggles. I would love to hear about how they have done it and the challenges they face in their lives.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world?

A: This is a hard one. I have loved so many cities and countries I have visited, like Rio in Brazil and Morocco, but Asia is where my heart lies.

It doesn’t matter what country I seem to go to in Asia, the people are just so beautiful and so is the food. To fill my cup is connecting with local people and trying local food when travelling.

Q: What is your best/worst travel story?

A: Funnily enough, this is a memory from my Contiki Thailand – West Island Hopper back nine years ago.

We got to Koh Phi Phi Island and were reminded by our Trip Manager that like the rest of Thailand “do not drink the local water”. Of course, I knew this and would never do this.

As most would know Koh Phi Phi Island is known for its great beach parties and cocktails in a bucket. The night went well and then it was time for us to go to bed as we had a walk to the lookout the next day.

My roommate and I got back to the room, all was well, we brushed our teeth and went to bed.

Four hours later I woke up in pain, not doing well at all, then realised that due to the couple of cocktail buckets I had consumed, I had forgotten that tap water was “local water” and I’d used that to brush my teeth!

Things didn’t go well for the next few hours but my lovely roommate told the Trip Manager and she went to a local chemist and got me all the remedies I needed to recover. All was good by the next day when we moved onto Krabi.

I have never forgotten this experience and have given friends the following advice when they travel to countries like this. If you have had a few drinks just go to sleep and brush your teeth in the morning as our natural routine just takes over sometimes.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with TTC?

A: Reconnecting with my colleagues from pre-COVID as well as gaining new connections with the rest of the team.

As well as this, I look forward to helping the team put our MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experiences message front of mind in the industry.

These experiences are truly amazing and not only gave a memorable experience to our clients but also make a different to the places we visit and the people in the local communities.

Travel agents can view all offers, book, and find out about the TTC Tour Brands Inner Circle agents rewards programme on the TTC Travel Agent Portal.


HERE, WE meet Lilly Freudmayer, Market Representative – South East Asia & Australia, Austrian National Tourist Office.

Q: What was your first ever job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: My first ever job was in McDonalds. I was 15 years old (during summer school break); I worked in the Vienna City Center outlet for one month.

It was not an easy job, being positioned at the cashier for eight hours a day, putting together orders while following at the same time the standards of speedy, attentive and friendly service.

It was a great learning experience to work in such a busy environment with strict standards and it made me appreciate the hard work people have to deliver in often undervalued jobs in the customer service industry.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: Observe, listen, immerse myself and getting to know the brand/product and how things are done in the new work environment.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career in travel now?

A: It is the perfect time to start a career in the travel and tourism industry with so many exciting open positions for anyone who loves to work with people!

Although the industry might unfairly have a poor reputation, I honestly believe it is the best industry to work in.

You get to collaborate with and meet so many interesting and inspiring people, it offers you a flexible work environment, you get to travel the world a lot (and at much better rates, I may add) and you have so much opportunity to develop and advance.

The industry is constantly evolving and yes, it may face challenges from time to time, but all of this will help you grow as a person and professional and support your career growth.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: Turning on the laptop and then making myself a cup of tea.

Q: How do you think the travel industry is looking at this moment in time?

A: Luckily, the industry has seen a great recovery from COVID – inbound tourism from Australia to Austria is back to 2019 numbers in terms of arrivals and overnight stays!

Q: Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane, living or dead?

A: Empress Elisabeth from Austria. I´ve been fascinated by her since I was a child and would love to find out if she was the way she is portrayed and what life was like at the Viennese court in the 19th century.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world and why?

A: This is a hard one – there are so many places I have been to that I love and so many more on my bucket list!

However, some of the places that really made it onto my “I definitely want to return” list are Sri Lanka, the Seychelles and Mexico.

But I also love the Austrian Alps, lakes and countryside. I only really got to appreciate Austria since I moved abroad to Dubai 10 years ago and I must admit that I really miss the four seasons and beautiful nature at your doorstep wherever you are in Austria.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about promoting Austria in the Australian market?

A: To get to work with the Australian people, to meet new people and to understand how Australians tick – what their interests and likes/dislikes are.

And to finally be able to promote Austria as a winter sports destination – in my previous markets skiing and winter sports were not really relevant for travellers, so it will be exiting to finally be able to also highlight this hugely attractive aspect of Austria.