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Here we meet Bradley Nardi, Commercial Manager – Australia & New Zealand, VisitBritain.

Q: What was your first job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: My first job was at a restaurant in the Byron Bay hinterland called The Fig Tree and it’s deservedly renowned as an incredible fine diner and wedding venue to this day.

I was part kitchen hand, part dishy and absolutely loved it. I still remember the team dinner (always epic), a fast and furious service and debrief after. They’re masters of team culture and the importance of that sticks with me to this day.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: I remind myself to take a breath, listen and learn.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career in travel now?

A: Make strong relationships and treat people as if you’re going to be bumping into them for the next few decades…you probably will.

Q: What has the pandemic taught you about yourself?

A: I was fortunate to have an incredible role through the pandemic leading the Tweed region’s destination body. We were positioned on the NSW-Queensland border so not only were international closures an issue, but the domestic border closure was also incredibly challenging.

The period taught me that particularly when the stakes are high (as they were) I can get into whatever room, make my case and advocate for positive outcomes. That was absolutely the job.

Q: Aisle or window seat and why?

A: I’m traditionally a window seat guy, but these days I have a one-year-old and every parent will attest that versatility and mobility are critical to success…aisle please.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: From Monday to Wednesday it’s a cuppa tea and later in the week turns to a good flat white. The former is a legacy from working in London…you didn’t hear the office goss unless you had a cup of English Breakfast in hand.

Q: How do you think the travel industry is looking at this moment in time?

A: Australia moved up the ranks to become Britain’s fourth most valuable inbound tourism market this year, so it’s very encouraging to see the pace of the return to travel.

And while Aussie’s have been busy jumping back on planes, Britain has been busy revamping and developing new products and experiences, so it’s an exciting time to work with industry partners and showcase all that the nation has to offer.

Q: Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane, living or dead?

A: That’s tough…but I’ll take comedian John Oliver. Humour and hard truths work well together.



Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world and why?

A: My British favourites are Edinburgh for the scenery, Brighton for village feel partnered with alternate nightlife and Borough Market in London is just a standout food experience.

Away from Britain (though not too far away) I loved my time travelling Spain and Portugal, with San Sebastian in the Basque area super special. I went after a long winter and the sun, surf and pintxos (the local name for the tapas bars) were life affirming!

My final shoutout is the French Alps (and all the alps). I learned to ski and board there and ended up going back to manage a chalet in a little town called Morzine – I’ll be returning again and again!

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with VisitBritain?

A: I haven’t been back to the Old Dart in a few years so I’m looking forward to that…but on a serious note, there is a fantastic team in play that I’m enjoying getting to know and it is a great time to be working with the local partners as consumer behaviours evolve and demand for Britain continues to build.