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The Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) is excited to announce the launch of the Tourism Emission  Reduction Commitment (TERC) program—a groundbreaking initiative aimed at driving sustainability  across Victoria’s tourism sector.  

TERC is a nationwide program developed by the Australian Tourism Industry Council (ATIC) in  collaboration with ERC Protocol and is supported by the Australian Government through Austrade’s  Quality Tourism Framework Grant Program. VTIC will play a key role in delivering this important program in Victoria as part of the Quality Tourism Sustainable Accreditation, reinforcing its dedication  to helping the tourism industry reduce its carbon footprint and align with global sustainability  standards. 

The TERC program provides a clear pathway for tourism operators of all sizes to assess, monitor, and  reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Participating businesses will gain access to practical tools  designed to help them implement effective emission reduction strategies. 

Key Features of the TERC Program: 

  • User-Friendly: The program is designed to assist businesses at any stage of their carbon  reduction journey, making it accessible to companies of all sizes. 
  • Comprehensive Support: Monthly online sessions and personalised one-on-one support will  be available to equip tourism businesses with the knowledge and skills needed for their  journey toward emissions reduction. 
  • Cost Savings: Reducing carbon emissions can lead to significant savings in energy and resource  costs for tourism businesses. 
  • Emissions Benchmarking: Participants can benchmark their performance against industry  standards, offering a clear view of their progress and identifying areas for improvement. Recognition & Certification: Businesses that complete the program will receive a logo and QR  code linked to their Climate Action Plan dashboard, allowing them to easily communicate their  commitment to visitors. 

Victoria Tourism Industry Council CEO Felicia Mariani said this program is hugely significant for  tourism businesses who are looking to illustrate their commitment to actively reducing their carbon  emissions. 

“The Tourism Emission Reduction Commitment program is a critical step in ensuring the long-term  sustainability of Victoria’s tourism industry. As visitors become increasingly conscious of their  environmental impact, it is vital that our industry adapts to meet this growing expectation. This  initiative not only benefits our environment, but also strengthens the reputation of Victorian tourism  on the global stage,” she said. 

VTIC aims to position Victoria as a leader in sustainable tourism. By adopting more sustainable  practices, tourism businesses can improve their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and attract a  growing market of eco-conscious travelers.

ERC Protocol’s Tourism Sustainability Manager Daniela Ruiz G. said this is a major step for tourism  businesses across Victoria.  

“We are thrilled to partner with VTIC on launching the Tourism Emissions Reduction Commitment  Program, marking a significant stride towards sustainable practices within Victoria’s tourism industry,”  she said. 

“We are dedicated to supporting tourism businesses with our easy-to-follow program and  comprehensive ongoing training. Our excitement only builds as we empower the tourism sector across  Victoria to meet their sustainability goals and advance on their emissions reduction journey.”  

There are currently over 150 Australian businesses already participating in ATIC’s Tourism Emissions  Reduction program across the country, with nearly 10 per cent of that number being operators in  Victoria who have commenced the process. 

“VTIC is thrilled to be able to invite all tourism businesses across Victoria to join the TERC program and  become part of a movement that’s shaping a more sustainable future for our industry in Victoria,” Ms  Mariani said. 

For more information on how to participate in VTIC’s TERC program, please visit their website at, or contact (03) 7035 5700.