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AVIAREPS IS a leading global company in airline and tourism representation. Here we meet GRAHAM WARE, the newest member of the sales team.

Q: What was your first ever job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: Trainee Manager Internship for Southern Pacific Hotel Corporation (SPHC) based at the Brisbane Parkroyal Motor Inn.

At the time this hotel was the premier hotel for anyone who was anybody to stay at in Brisbane, as it was close to the City Festival Hall where all the international acts would perform. 

Starting as food waiter in the very popular and busy five-star restaurant was an amazing experience serving many famous international stars at the time like Fleetwood Mac, Demis Roussos, John Mellancamp and too many others to mention. I was ‘starstruck’.

Also working in this area of the hotel I would have to suddenly assist, when short-staffed, in functions or room-service. So, flexibility to my normal routine was key.

The most important aspects I learnt from this fast-paced first job and still use today is being a genuine personable communicator, being considerate and having respect for others, famous or not. 

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: Introduction to colleagues within the company and familiarising myself with company policy and procedures. Of course, then reaching out to relevant industry peers offering my company’s services.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career in travel now?

A: Now that the travel industry is really on the move again embrace it whole heartedly in whatever sector you are starting in.

Learn as much as you can about the different facets of the industry, have an open mind, know your world geography, but ultimately it is a people industry so good customer relations is very important.

Q: What did the pandemic teach you about yourself?

A: How much more resilient and adaptable than I thought I was!

I was hired for my customer service skills in my frontline retail ‘’ÇOVID’’ job, having never worked in retail before, selling product I never thought I would be possibly capable of doing.

Giving it my best shot with strong determination and willingness to learn, I succeeded and survived.

Q: Aisle or window seat and why?

A: Window. During daytime flying I love looking out the window either daydreaming or just generally think about the wonderful world below that we live in and not forgetting the incredible invention of flight which never ceases to amaze me.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: Straight to the coffee machine. Anyone for a coffee? Then the usual to start – emails, they’re relentless.

Q: How do you think the travel industry is looking at this moment in time?

A: We really seem to be on the move again, which has been a long time coming!

I tried to get a job back in the industry in October 2022 to no avail unfortunately until I scored in February 2023. What a difference 12 months makes.

During the last year, it has been so encouraging to see so much job movement and really exciting growth in so many aspects of the industry again. 

Q: Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane, living or dead?

A: My best ‘living’ friend. We like a couple of drinks, love to laugh together, talk about anything and know when to shut up.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world and why?

A: Africa is at the top of my favourites. I was very spoilt during my years working in Sydney with South African Airways having taken over 30 work and personal trips to all over Africa during that time.

The amazing wildlife, friendly people and beautiful scenery adds up to unforgettable experiences like no other and it is difficult to describe until you have experienced it yourself.

Definite faves are Botswana, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt and the gorillas in Uganda. I still have a couple to tick off the bucket list, it’s a BIG continent.

India is a close second. Having been a few times, travelling on the cheap and in semi-luxury, to different states of India which are all so diverse it really should be different countries.

India is an assault on the senses. I affectionately call it ‘organised chaos’ but I love how it all seems to work together beautifully.

India is an assault on the senses. I affectionately call it ‘organised chaos’ but I love how it all seems to work together beautifully.

Q: What is your best travel story?

A: Probably one of my most memorable and probably embarrassing travel stories is my first trip to South Africa with SAA on a famil co-hosting travel agents in conjunction with a tour operator. Funny now but it certainly wasn’t for me at the time!

The last night we were staying in relative luxury in Rondovals on a private game reserve after roughing it in a lot of camp sites during an amazing trip where we’d had lots of incredible wildlife action including black mamba’s (deadly snake) jumping at the safari truck, which they do.

Our accommodations were spaced about 500 metres apart in the dense bush but we all gathered for our last big night in the largest one. While a lot partied on around the fire, when it came to bedtime for me, I said I’d walk to mine which was fairly close-by, I thought.

I do normally have a very good sense of direction even in the dark but my radar was way off that night.

I was screaming to the group that I was lost which they could hear and thought it was me fooling around.

Meanwhile I’m waking up the jungle, hearing hippos grunting, hyenas laughing and if they didn’t get me, I would surely step on a mamba.

Being that frightened I unfortunately proceeded to wet myself just when an Afrikaans guest, who I couldn’t understand, hearing my desperate cries for help burst into the bush to rescue me. It made for the best, funniest story at breakfast with my agents!

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with AVIAREPS?

A: AVIAREPS is a huge global sales and marketing company representing a multitude of product including airlines and tourist boards.

In Australia we are a fairly small operation with very experienced staff but we have a lot of product.

My key focus will be on selling Air Mauritius, Bangkok Airways and Airlink primarily to the trade in NSW/QLD & ACT. I look forward to being part of a dedicated team, growing the business and being out on the road.