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PHILIPPA WALKER has led sales and marketing teams across the travel, hospitality and media Industry for more than 25 years. She has just been appointed as Silversea’s Marketing Director Asia-Pacific.

Q: What was your first job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: My first role was as a Media Assistant at Merchant & Partners (big media buying company at the time).

Wow, I worked very hard for very little, pumping out media plans on a typewriter and sending key numbers to TV stations via telex (now I am sounding old). My boss was tough and had high attention to details. I worked until all hours of the night.

I learnt so much from that role; hard work, dedication with some fun and a boss whom you can respect and admire is the perfect mix for a happy and successful career.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: Listen and read a lot, observe, take in as much as you can – then assess and plan.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career in travel now?

A: Go in with an open and curious mind, full of passion and willingness to learn and be flexible – your pathway to your career will be a winding road of exciting twists and turns, don’t take the straight freeway and expect to get there the quickest and easiest way.

Q: What has the pandemic taught you about yourself?

A: Cherish the moments you have in life – and that everything we do every day is special because when it is taken away.

Q: Aisle or window seat?

A: Aisle – prefer not to have to climb over other people!

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: Coffee (decaf/almond) with the team in our beautiful new offices.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world and why?

A: Gosh!!! So many memorable ones; recently Miami – wow full of surprises and precincts – plus amazing water.

Europe, but loved Budapest – interesting, historical, pretty and full of life.

Port Douglas – such a beautiful part of Australia and the magnificent Barrier Reef!

Carmel and Monterey (California) along the coast drive to San Fran from LA, what a drive.

Tokyo – food, history, people, shopping, the buzz!

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with Silversea?

A: Inspired by Barbara Muckermann – I am looking forward to working with her and the incredibly talented global and local team to share our beautiful luxury ships, itineraries and stories with our trade partners and consumers throughout Australia and Asia Pacific.

Silversea Marketing Director, Philippa Walker