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Rex has announced its Boeing 737NG Full Flight Simulator (FFS) has received  certification from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and is now ready for use.  

The Level D FFS can be configured for 737-700 & 737-800 variants and is approved for Upset  Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT).  

The Rex FFS was originally housed at Ansett Aviation Training (AAT) facilities in Brisbane.  When the term expired in 2023, AAT refused to extend the term and gave Rex the option of  either selling the simulator to AAT or removing the simulator. Rex chose not to give in to  coercion and so began construction of its own purpose-built simulator centre next to Rex Head Office at Mascot, Sydney.  

Rex General Manager of Flight Operations & Chief Pilot, Paul Fisher, said, “It is pleasing to  see the FFS being commissioned on schedule in its new location and flying better than before  due to new hydraulic and electrical components installed.” 

“This is an important milestone in supporting the growth of our 737 fleet and clearly  demonstrates the commitment of the Rex Board and Management to safety by investing in  this critical piece of training infrastructure.” 

“As well as adding synergies to our own training requirements the simulator also provides  training opportunities for external operators both inside and outside of Australia,” Mr Fisher  added.