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As a “Viking virgin,” I am eager to discover on this inaugural Viking China discovery cruise what makes Viking different.

According to the CEO Torstein Hagen there are many things:

  • No children or casino’s 
  • A focus on English-speaking adults aged 55+ for the Western markets 
  • A focus on Chinese-speaking adults 55+ for Asian markets.
  • A focus on destination -the destination is the destination not the ship
  • Small ships owned and self-operated
  • Quiet understated elegance
  • Modern “luxury” (though Tor dislikes the use of the word “luxury” as he explains it means so many different things to different people)

I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above although for me the Viking Yi Dun itself is a destination.

It does indeed have an understated elegance and a serene sophistication (as opposed to the flashy ostentatiousness beloved by some cruise ships) that soothes the soul and creates a calm and comfortable on-board atmosphere.

The Scandinavian inspired design emphasising clean lines, neutral tones, light wood, soft fabrics and natural materials like oak, wool and leather lend a stunning Nordic air. I particularly love the cosy faux fur throws in the Explorers lounge and the artworks that nod to the ancient viking explorers.

There are also many little touches that are small but make a big difference like the easy to use TV remote controls, and the clear and easy to read shower settings and toiletries . The light fittings are super easy -you don’t need a PHD in electronics to figure them out!  Square trash bins in the most convenient places and square backed chairs that you can easily put your coat on. 

The excursions have been exceptional, and they are all included 

Viking definitely has a focus on cultural enrichment, intimate experiences (look out for the amazing Nordic bathing review to come) and destination-centred journeys.

I can understand why its called the “thinking persons” cruise as there is a strong emphasis on local history, art and cuisine with lectures and performances on board that bring the destination to life.

Having said that you don’t have to think too hard on here as everything is taken care of.

The crew are Chinese crackers who cannot do enough for you.  Being the first cruise with westerners on board they are slightly anxious about their language skills but that actually makes them more endearing and also reaffirms the western arrogance of expecting everyone to speak our language whilst expecting an authentically different cultural experience.

With 3 more of these unique china discovery cruises planned for this year and more for 2025 – get on board and discover the viking difference for yourself.