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This month we hear from three of the 122 female guides certified and validated by the Department of Tourism to discover why they love the job so much and what life is like for a woman living in Bhutan.


Chencho Lham and Shrub Zangmo work for the luxury Amankora Bumthang Lodge. Chencho has been a guide since 2013 and Shrub since 2016.

Q: What made you want to be a tour guide in the first place?

A: Chencho: When I was little I was always curious when I saw tourists visiting Bhutan. This fascination ultimately led me to pursue a career as a tour guide. I really enjoy looking after our guests, “the guests visiting the homeland of a good friend”.

Shrub: For me, being a tour guide is more than just a job; it’s a unique and fulfilling opportunity to foster meaningful cultural exchanges and to continually expand my own knowledge while earning a living.

Q: What is about the job that you like so much?

A: Shrub: The most rewarding aspect of my job is the sense of fulfilment we, as women in Bhutan, receive from teaching and sharing our country’s rich culture and traditions.

These aspects, often overlooked in academic curriculum, are key drivers of positive change and opportunity for women in Bhutan today.

With a commitment to gender equality and sustainable development, we are paving the way for a brighter future for Bhutanese women.

Q: Now your country is opening to the world, what is life like for a woman living in Bhutan?

A: Chencho: Inevitable change comes with Bhutan opening to the world. The education and empowerment of women plays a pivotal role in reshaping the lives of Bhutanese women.

Amid a blend of both traditional and modern influences, women in Bhutan are finding new and exciting opportunities, driving national development forward. We are very proud to be a part of national progress.

Q: What are some of your favourite places to show visitors to Bhutan?

A: Shrub: There are countless inspiring places to show our visitors, each offering a captivating glimpse into our country’s rich culture, history and natural beauty.

Among these, my personal favourite is Phobjikha Valley. This glacial valley is renowned for its breathtaking beauty and it is also part of the Trans Bhutan Trail.

Hikers can explore diverse landscapes, from lush forests to terraced fields and picturesque villages, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in Bhutan’s rich heritage and stunning scenery.

Q: What kind of experience will visitors have in Bhutan?

A: Chencho: There are so many incredible experiences for our visitors, each providing an authentic immersion into the Bhutanese way of life and an opportunity to learn about our rich culture.

Whether exploring majestic fortresses, partaking in vibrant festivals, visiting peaceful temples, or embarking on astonishing hikes, I feel that every experience offers travellers a sense of tranquillity and leaves them with unforgettable memories to cherish long after they’ve departed.

Q: If you could visit any other country in the world, where would you go and why?

A: Chencho & Shrub: If we could choose any other country to visit, it would be Germany or France. These countries both stand out as compelling destinations, especially for enriching our guiding profession and learning new languages.


Ugen Ongmoo is a guide for Bhutan Tourism.

Q: What made you want to be a tour guide in the first place?

 A: I’m a tour guide because I enjoy doing new things and visiting many different places, especially in nature. I also love exploring historical places with rich history and heritage.

Q: What is it about the job that you like so much?

A: I love talking and hanging out with my guests and want to provide them with the best trip I can in our magical country.

Q: Now your country is opening up to the world, what is life like for a woman living in Bhutan?

A: It’s wonderful that our country is opening up to the world and we are excited and looking forward to new opportunities. Women living in Bhutan are relatively safer, both physically and psychologically. We have the opportunity to earn our own living and live our life independently.

Q: What are some of your favourite places to show visitors to Bhutan?

A: I love to show my guests places like the magnificent Dzongs and beautiful festivals like the annual tshechus. I also love taking them for short hikes in Bhutan’s pristine nature and giving them the opportunity to interact with locals.

Q: What kind of experience will visitors have in Bhutan?

A: Visitors will definitely enjoy their stay in Bhutan; they’re mostly amused and filled with curiosity every day over different things they experience here, from the country’s culture to its people and their sense of humour.

Q: If you could visit any other country in the world, where would you go and why?

A: If I could visit any other country in the world I would love to visit Germany. They have so many historical castles and ruins, which I think is quite romantic in a way.