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Q: So Jim, what do you like about working for AAT Kings?

A: What is there not to like? It’s an unbelievable organisation. We are presented with the best vehicles, incredible training, backup and support, and the product that we have is amazing. Really, what is there not to like about all that?

Q: When you take people around this wonderful country of ours, what do you get out of it personally?

A: To spend a day with people and get a smile and a thank you. People have paid money to go on a holiday and have an exciting time and I’m with them, having a wonderful time and I’m getting paid for it on top of that.

I’m so lucky to do what I do. I’ve really got to pinch myself sometimes.

Q: Let’s talk about the new Short Break immersion tours that AAT Kings have just launched. You believe these are going to be extremely popular with travellers.

A: I really hope so because this is the heart of Australia and we’re seeing and incorporating some really iconic places. And now, given a little bit more time, people can pace it to suit themselves. Some people want to do everything, other people want to just take it all in.

This new product enables us to cover both of those travel styles. If you want to have a lazy afternoon by the pool, fantastic. If you want to get all the other experiences in, you’re able to do that too.

So whereas before on the shorter product it was a little bit “go, go go”, I think now, with this extra time, it’s really going to appeal to many more people.

I hope the 15 guests who have just experienced this new product will agree that this is going to be an absolute winner on a whole lot of levels.

Q: You were saying that you also like the new tours because you get more chance to meet and make relationships with the people that you’re showing around.

A: With extended touring, we visit some wonderful places and every group takes on its own little life.

I’m a bit of a social person and that’s what makes it for me, to be able to interact with a vast range of different people from different nationalities and with different customs. I get a lot out of it.

Q: Coming out of COVID, it seems that more Australians want to learn about our Indigenous culture. Are you finding that with the people that you’re talking to?

A: For me, it’s about allowing people to experience this culture – and to remind them that this is the world’s oldest continuously living culture – and for people to self-determine. They might say “this is not what I thought it was” or maybe “this is not what I read or saw” and through that we can start a discussion.

Q: Have you found it interesting learning more about the local Indigenous culture yourself and are they keen for someone like AAT Kings to promote their stories?

A: Absolutely. And for the Aṉangu (Indigenous people of Uluru), we have to remember that this is being driven by them. It’s about them wanting to share their culture.

Q: I have to ask you this one. Do you have a favourite place in Australia?

A: I don’t know if I could narrow it down to just one. I’ve worked in Central Australia and also in Tasmania and I love Cradle Mountain, but I’ve also got a lot of passion for Kata Tjuṯa.

Q: Final question. What’s the most ridiculous question someone on one of your tours has ever asked you?

A: I remembered picking up a group at Yulara Airport and someone asked me if the sand dunes were man-made?

AAT Kings now offer a four-day ‘Kings Canyon, Uluru and Kata Tjuta’ tour or a three-day ‘Kings Canyon and Uluru’ excursion.