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Here we meet STEPHANIE MEEHAN, Marketing Manager for AU/NZ at Explore Worldwide.

Q: What was your first job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: My first ever job was a sales executive at It was here that I learnt how to manage my time effectively. However, the most valuable thing I learned was the role a mentor plays in career progression.

When I started at I had limited experience in digital; now I am a leading digital marketing strategist with a passion for growing businesses.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: Getting to know the team and building great connections. Company culture is important to me and I believe that if the people in your workplace believe in the product it sets you up for a great culture.

Q: What advice would you give someone looking to start a career in travel?

A: Take the leap, I did! It is an exciting time in travel, the way travel has changed and in such an interesting and diversified way and I particularly love the way our customers are looking to travel in more sustainable ways.

Q: What did the pandemic teach you about yourself?

A: I am extremely resilient and adaptable to working conditions.

Q: Aisle or window seat?

A: Aisle seat as I am extremely claustrophobic!

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: Seek some inspiration through TED Talks or motivational speeches to set a positive intent for my day followed by jumping into our social media accounts to get inspired as to the amazing destinations we have on offer with more than 350+ tours.

Then I set a list of key tasks and meetings and work through how we can best promote our great offers.

Q: How do you think the travel industry is looking right now?

A: Exciting…and I am not the only one who thinks so. It seems everyone is looking to see their bucket list destinations.

Travellers are looking to seize the day and we are seeing strong growth in solo travel with 60 per cent of customers now travelling solo. This excitement in the industry was a contributing factor to revamping our branding.

While we have been around for 40+ years, Explore Worldwide has just launched our new rebrand which is full of personality, just like our customers.

We are focusing our efforts to not only align with our customers better than ever but also ensure we are reducing our impact on the planet and working towards a sustainable future. 

Sustainability and customer satisfaction are our priorities and we hope to show those looking to travel in 2024 as well as our loyal customers how small group adventure is more than travelling, its Exploring.

Q: Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane, living or dead?

A: Steve Harvey! He’s not only funny, but he is also a multimillionaire who changed his life after going broke three times and that to me is extremely inspiring.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world?

A: Thailand, because it is such a vibrant country with plenty to do; from the white sandy beaches to a trek in the jungle, it’s always a great place to visit.

Another key destination I love is Croatia. While I have been there before it is high on my list to visit again because I loved the people, architecture, history and food!

Q: What is your best travel story?

A: When I was 27, I travelled Europe. Me and two friends met up in Amsterdam and I booked an Airbnb. At 2am we were winding down after a night out and I went outside the apartment only to realise I had locked us out.

As a result, I booked a different Airbnb for the two remaining nights. My two friends ventured out again the following night while I decided to stay home.

When they rang me to let them in, I headed downstairs only to leave the keys behind once again. Yes, I had locked us all out again! My friends believed I was playing a prank on them, but no…

Maybe if we had travelled with a travel and tour company like Explore Worldwide, we would not have had this issue. Safe to say from that day on I have never been responsible for holding the keys to anything on an international trip.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with Explore Worldwide?

A: Growing our business through strategic partnerships and great customer service, as well as our team in Australia and New Zealand.

There is great opportunity in these markets and I am extremely grateful to be a part of the expansion of our business.