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The first of the JNTO Roadshow events took place in Sydney last night.

Dozens of people packed out Doltone House, Hyde Park for the evening of networking and information.

Traveltalk was there, and took this video of events.

Harriett Bougher, Business Development & Assistant Marketing Manager for Japan National Tourism Organisation highlighted the massive bump in the number of Australians visiting Japan.

With over 505,000 Australian visitors between January and June, a 41% rise from 2019. Peak seasons include skiing (December-February) and cherry blossoms (March-April), with autumn (October-November) also gaining popularity.

“We understand as travel agents, how hard it can be to actually find these off the beaten track travel experiences in regional areas.

“So, I would really recommend going to our JTO Australia website. It can actually filter out, for example, if your client really likes skiing but they want to go to a more regional location, you can  filter out according to their interest, what time year they want to go, and also their other interests,” she said.

The roadshow continues in Brisbane and then Auckland.

  • Brisbane: Tuesday 27 August, 6:00pm – 9:00pm – Pullman King George Square (Corner Ann and Roma Street)
  • Auckland: Thursday 29 August, 6:00pm – 9:00pm – JW Marriott Auckland (22 Albert Street)