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High-profile travel destinations such as Uganda, the Middle East and Russia are home to some of the world’s most spectacular natural and man-made attractions.

But for LGBTQ+ travellers who wish to tick them off the bucket list, it’s not simply a case of buying a ticket and jumping on a plane. If they do, they could find themselves in hot water, in trouble, in jail – or even worse.

According to Rodger Cook, General Manager of Global Security for Cover-More Travel Insurance and sister assistance company, World Travel Protection, members of the LGBTQ+ community continue to carry a heavier risk burden than heterosexual compatriots in overseas countries including the ones above.

“The sad reality of contemporary travel is that not all destinations embrace LGBTQ+ people in the same way as most westernised countries,” Mr Cook said. 

In some cases, this discrimination is a byproduct of cultural reasons, while in others, religion leads the prevailing attitudes. In some countries, attitudes are overt and transparent, while in others they are more subtle and sinister.

It’s a shifting scale of risk that can be hard to keep track of, which is why Cover-More Travel Insurance has built LGBTQ+ advisories into its industry-leading free travel safety app. This delivers real-time information and intelligence about broader countries and specific cities, covering everything from political climates and natural disasters to personal safety. Included is targeted advice for LGBTQ+ travellers.

“We could never hope to capture every negative circumstance an LGBTQ+ traveller may face on their journey,” Mr Cook said. “So, what the app does is empower people to be educated and aware of the risks in any countries they hope to visit.”

In Uganda, to name just one example, the app flags the likelihood of unwanted attention, legal issues or other difficulties. For this reason, it recommends transgender travellers have their passport and ID changed to reflect their new gender ahead of their trip. Same-sex couples, meanwhile, are advised to book separate rooms or beds.

“The app is ultimately about supporting travellers in planning adventures that broaden horizons and create memories, before bringing them home safely,” Mr Cook said. 

“Part of that is assessing the realities of risk, which is why, for example, the app also provides tailored advice to female travellers.”

Mr Cook offered LGBTQ+ travellers four other broad considerations for when they travel to countries that might not offer the same freedoms as Australia.

  • Know before you go: In planning your itinerary, research not only whether it’s illegal to be LGBTQ+ in the countries you aim to visit, but also whether the law is enforced. Both will colour the strength of any risk you face.
  • Stick to cities: Cities, urban centres and popular tourist destinations tend to be more welcoming than rural areas, so plan your movements accordingly. 
  • Be mindful of PDAs: Some countries frown on – or have outlawed – public displays of affection from both straight and gay couples. Unfortunately, your safest option is to be discrete with PDA for the duration of your stay.
  • Consider your digital footprint: Again, it differs between destinations, but some countries severely restrict the type of material you can legally access online. For this reason, it’s wise to consider a digital sweep to block access to any material that could be considered illegal or inflammatory. This can include making your social media profiles private, concealing your relationship status, being mindful of public profile images, deleting LGBTQ+ apps such as Grindr, and removing sensitive images, emails, and messages. Some travellers work around this by buying a phone just for travel. 

“No one is above the laws of a state, and everyone needs to be cautious when they travel to not put themselves at risk,” Mr Cook said. 

“Even if you don’t condone the laws and rules of a non-LGBTQ+-friendly travel destination, you may need to temper your behaviour for your own safety and security.”

For more information, download the app at