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Meet ANDREW EDDY, Head of Sales, Adventure World.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: As I work remotely most of the time, when I do come in it is setting up the laptop and connecting cables, but generally its scan emails, check over upcoming meetings for the day, collate my To Do list into priorities, grab a strong flat white and then hold on for the ride…

Q: What was your first job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: My first job was working as an attendant at a local BP service station. I very quickly learned the value and importance of positive, friendly customer service and completing tasks well, in a timely matter.

Basic learnings, but simply being open, positive and helpful not only creates a positive experience for your customer, but it also ripples through you and others surrounding you, all feeling the better for it.

Complementing that, completing tasks and doing them well, rather than labouring and procrastinating (which we’re all great at doing at times!), creates a sense of purpose, satisfaction, achievement and confidence.

It’s all very basic I know, but it carries through to today. Treat others how you want to be treated, create your positive environment and complete your tasks to the best of your ability.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: Take a breath, haha!

I like to fully immerse myself in the brand – what do we do/why do we do it/why do we exist/what’s our point of difference/understand the brand guidelines – themes, colours, tone of voice, who are our customers and then understand and read top selling products.

I want to be part of the brand and the story quickly. I want to live and breathe it so when I represent it, I know it, am authentic and feel it. Then understand what we’ve been doing over the last few months, where are we headed and look for those opportunities.

Then, look for the best local café serving great coffee, haha!

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career in travel?

A: Not advice, but more of an assessment. It’s a constantly changing, fast-paced world in general and the travel industry leans into this.

Always be prepared for change. It can be challenging, so be adaptable. But then, be prepared to enjoy some of the best moments of your life.

We work in an incredible industry with incredible opportunity for travel, fun, memory making experiences and career development. It’s the works!

Q: What did the pandemic teach you about yourself?

A: To my last point, that I’m capable of constantly adapting, learning and implementing new skills that I never knew I had, or had an interest in doing!

I’ve come out the other side more wise, more resilient (there’s that buzz word!) and certainly more skilled in a range of areas. 

Q: Aisle or window seat and why?

A: Both. Aisle for that “quick exit” off the plane if coming in for a meeting, but then window on the way home so you can lean on the side, gaze out at the world below and be calm…

Q: Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane, living or dead?

A: I wouldn’t enjoy sitting next to a dead person, I’ll just say that ??

But in all honesty, I have this thing where on 99 per cent of flights I’m asleep as we’re taxing down the runway and the wheels are only just lifting off the ground.

For some reason I just can’t help but pass out every time (do they limit the air around me?!). I’m lulled into snoozeland…and then I’m out for most of the flight!

Soooooo, I could nominate Billy Corgan, Joe Talbot, Ben Crowe or Anne Edmonds, but I’m afraid I would just fall asleep…

Q: How do you think the travel industry is looking at this moment in time?

A: Strong. Rebuilt (some building) and ready. Excited, buzzing and moving. It’s back.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world and why?

A: Longyearbyen, for its wild, rough, buzzing small township surrounded by awe-inspiring mountains, cliffs and general remoteness

Bangkok. I have loads of amazing memories of time spent wandering on foot or buzzing in tuk-tuks through the thick humidity, sickly-sweet smells of street food, the energy on almost every street – it’s just incredible.

Khumbu Region, Nepal. The simplicity of walking every day for nearly two weeks surrounded by the most stunning of peaks in all directions, flowing rivers, lush forests down low and desolate beauty higher up, making way for yaks and humble villages with hospitable locals.

Banff, Queenstown, Tromso, Bellingen…I’m a mountain/nature lover.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with Adventure World?

A: The recently rebranded and refocused Adventure World is exciting.

Our focus on ‘Authentic, Custom and Trusted’ as our core pillars and our ethos of “Travel With Purpose” are really helping to define the brand and travel offering to the trade and our travellers – setting us apart clearly from the competition and making sure that our guests are “change makers” and “giving back” while on their premium/deluxe, curated adventures.

It’s inspiring to be a part of that journey and know that we’re making a difference in what we do.