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Q: What is NDC and why is it the future?

A: Until recently, the only way airlines could distribute our product to travel agents was through the GDS’ text-based interface, which uses what’s called an Edifact (*) standard.

As we all know, GDS Edifact is old technology – it was developed more than 35 years ago – and is limited to displaying basic information, such as seat availability and price.

NDC technology is a completely new and modern standard. It’s built using XML computer language – the same language used by e-commerce giants such as Amazon.

It allows airlines to better showcase and merchandise a broader range of product and it enables agents to provide a more personalised travel experience.

Ultimately, NDC gives travel agents access to the same rich content that airlines are already making available direct to consumers via airline websites and apps.

It can also be booked with just the click of a mouse. Compare that to the GDS’ text-only displays, which can only be navigated by someone who understands the cryptic language and knows the codes.

Now add in the fact that airline distribution costs via the legacy GDS have been steadily climbing to what are now unsustainable levels and you understand why NDC technology is the future.

Q: What has been the response from Australian agents?

A: Most of the agents we speak to understand why NDC technology is so compelling and want to learn more.

But a few have – at least initially – been a little hesitant. Sometimes that’s because their experiences with some other airline NDC solutions have not been entirely positive – due, for instance, to some solutions lacking certain functionality.

Q: How has Air Canada worked with agents on its NDC roll-out?

A: Firstly, we’ve taken our time to build and extensively test our NDC offering to ensure we launched a product that offers a high degree of functionality. We’ve also made a real effort to consult with our retail partners every step of the way.

Since its launch earlier this year, we’ve done all we can to take travel agents on the journey with us. That’s meant hosting a series of webinars and seminars across the country, all of which have been well received. That training process will continue.

Q: What clear incentives does Air Canada’s GDS-NDC platform offer agents?

A: NDC content is richer and presented in a format that is instantly familiar. For example, through the NDC platform an agent can book a flight, then book their customer a ticket for the airport lounge or order their inflight meal.

Agents also get immediate access to all Air Canada fares, including tactical fares that may currently only be available for very short periods of time via our website.

That’s because the GDS-NDC platform is highly responsive – it allows for the dynamic filing of fares almost instantaneously.

We would love to offer all of our fares – including those released in tactical promotions – through the legacy GDS, but it isn’t always possible because filing fares through the GDS-Edifact platform is a manual process that simply takes too long.

Q: So, agents using NDC reap immediate and tangible commercial benefits?

A: Unquestionably. That’s why, if I was still working as a travel agent, I would be first out of the blocks to sign up and familiarise myself with the Air Canada NDC options and decide which one was best for my business at this moment.

The bottom line is that it provides an edge over competitors. And, as is always the case, the first agents to embrace the technology will be the ones most likely to stay ahead of the game, which is exactly what we are seeing already with our early adopters.

The really ‘hungry’ agents have been right on top of NDC developments from day one.

Q: What’s next for Air Canada’s NDC program?

A: Over the past 12 months we’ve seen the launch of more than 25 new features and capabilities that were directly shaped by feedback from our travel agent partners.

In the immediate future, agents are going to see the introduction of continuous pricing and availability, specific benefits for corporate partners and more generous refund capabilities, with a doubling of the risk-free refund period from 24 to 48 hours for bookings made using our NDC.

Other innovations due to roll-out later this year and into 2025 include enhanced support for disrupted customers, the ability to apply unused tickets for future travel and the release of Cancel for Any Reason.

There’s no doubt the pace of change is going to accelerate.

Q: Can all Australian travel agents access Air Canada’s NDC?

A: Every Australian travel agent has the ability to access the NDC platform directly through Air Canada Connex, a free and intuitive desktop booking tool designed for agencies.

But Australia is a very GDS-reliant market and so most agents will want to access the NDC within their GDS environment.

That’s been possible for some time for Amadeus agents and now, effective last month, it’s also possible for Sabre agents. We envisage Travelport agents gaining access before the end of the year.

The caveat is that accessing and booking NDC content through Sabre or Amadeus is currently only possible for agencies with their own IATA, not TIDS.

We are currently working with the main consolidators, however, to allow them to ticket on TIDS agents’ behalf and we hope to have implemented this by Q4.

How can agents find out more about Air Canada’s NDC solution? Contact your GDS or one of the Air Canada team.

* EDIFACT stands for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport