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It’s been a while since I travelled to China as tourism in China ground to a huge halt during the pandemic and only opened in early 2023.

It’s great to be back and its even better to be back in style….Viking style. 

I am on a 10-day cruise from Shanghai to Hong Kong aboard the Viking Yi Dun, a 930-passenger ship formerly known as the Viking Sun.

In 2021, it was repurposed for the Chinese market following Viking’s partnership with China Merchants Group in 2019. Under this agreement, Viking handles marketing and sales, while China Merchants Group oversees ship management and crew operations. 

The ship began offering domestic China cruises in 2021 and, starting this year, is now inviting Western travellers to explore the Chinese coast and as such is a major milestone as Vikings first oceangoing China cruise for Western travellers.

In a press conference on board Yi Sun this week Torstein Hagen, Vikings CEO outlined cutting edge future plans including the introduction of hydrogen power to its fleet with 6MW hydrogen units set to be installed on newbuilds by late 2026.  The new ‘Future Hydrogen Platform’ will combine fuel cells and diesel engines to operate onboard facilities and allow cruises at 10 knots, meeting Norway’s stringent greenhouse gas regulations. Hagen highlighted that this system would enable Viking to enter fjords and make port calls at zero emissions.

He pointed out that no current fuel technology can fully meet the power and size needs of cruise ships, prompting Viking to opt for movable cryogenic tanks for storing liquid hydrogen. Hagen emphasized that while the technology is still developing, the newbuilds, which accommodate 998 passengers, are designed with space for future hydrogen fuel cells. He criticized the industry’s shift toward Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), which primarily consists of methane, a more harmful greenhouse gas than CO2.

Hagen also expressed frustration with sulphur emission regulations, noting that sulphur had previously contributed to global cooling by acting as a “sunscreen” for the earth. Viking’s scientific approach sets it apart from competitors.

Exciting stuff indeed and for more info on this cruise and its great Chinese itinerary keep an eye out for my review coming soon