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Bench Africa has welcomed Alex Fayan into the ‘tribe’ as its new Business Development Manager for NSW.

Alex brings over 13 years of experience in the travel and events industries, including her most recent BDM position with Aurora Expeditions.

Trade Relations Manager Andy Kirkman said, “I’m thrilled to have Alex join the team with her long-standing relationships across NSW.

She is well-known for her enthusiasm and dedication to supporting travel agents, affirmed by the many messages of agent approval! The dedicated NSW position is in response to growing travel agency demand for face-to-face training of new staff, and opportunities for cooperative sales and marketing activity as the travel trade looks towards keeping up with 2024 performance.”

The news follows further expansion of Bench Africa’s Reservations team earlier in the year.

Veeral Bhundia came onboard from Bench Africa’s parent company, Southern Cross Safaris Mombasa, bringing a wealth of insight into operations and further in-depth understanding of travel in East Africa. Gayle Rowson also joined the tribe, transitioning from her own Africa-specialist travel agency.

Julie De Palo, Reservations & Groups Director said, “We have recorded record growth this year, with consecutive ‘biggest ever’ months. None of this would have been possible without our incredible Africa Specialist team and their commitment to serving our trade clients”.

NSW travel agencies and partners can reach Alex at [email protected]