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Nearly all American adults (94%) have travel plans in the next six months, according to a recent survey from Longwoods International. But potential complications like medical emergencies or natural disasters could cause turbulence for travelers, and travel insurance might be a smart investment.

To uncover the most and least risky cities for tourists, Forbes Advisor compared 60 international cities across seven key metrics. We found that Caracas, Venezuela tops the list as the riskiest city for tourists, while Singapore ranks as the safest.

Top 3 Most Risky Cities For Tourists

1. Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas’ score: 100 out of 100

  • Highest health security risk, reflecting the low level and quality of healthcare services and infrastructure
  • Highest crime risk
  • Worst travel safety rating from the State Department (level 4, do not travel)
  • Second highest infrastructure security risk, reflecting the availability and quality of city infrastructure
  • Second highest digital security risk, reflecting the ability of citizens to freely use the internet without fear of privacy violations, identity theft and online attacks

2. Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi’s score: 93.12 out of 100

  • Highest personal security risk, reflecting risk from crime, violence, terrorist threats, natural disasters and economic vulnerabilities
  • Second worst travel safety rating from the State Department (level 3, reconsider travel)
  • Fourth highest infrastructure security risk, reflecting the availability and quality of city infrastructure

3. Yangon, Myanmar

Yangon’s score: 91.67 out of 100

  • Highest digital security risk, reflecting the ability of citizens to freely use the internet without fear of privacy violations, identity theft and online attacks
  • Third highest personal security risk, reflecting risk from crime, violence, terrorist threats, natural disasters and economic vulnerabilities
  • Third highest health security risk, reflecting the level and quality of healthcare services and infrastructure

Top 3 Safest Cities For Tourists

1. Singapore

Singapore’s score: 0 out of 100

  • Best travel safety rating from the State Department (level 1, exercise normal precautions)
  • Lowest natural disaster risk
  • Second lowest health security risk, reflecting the level and quality of healthcare services and infrastructure
  • Second lowest infrastructure security risk, reflecting the availability and quality of city infrastructure
  • Second lowest digital security risk, reflecting the ability of citizens to freely use the internet without fear of privacy violations, identity theft and online attacks

2. Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo’s score: 10.72 out of 100

  • Lowest health security risk, reflecting the level and quality of healthcare services and infrastructure
  • Best travel safety rating from the State Department (level 1, exercise normal precautions)
  • Fifth lowest infrastructure security risk, reflecting the availability and quality of city infrastructure

3. Toronto, Canada

Toronto’s score: 13.6 out of 100

  • Best travel safety rating from the State Department (level 1, exercise normal precautions)
  • Fourth lowest infrastructure security risk, reflecting availability and quality of city infrastructure
  • Seventh lowest health security risk, reflecting the level and quality of healthcare services and infrastructure

Study Methodology

To determine which cities are the most (and least) risky for tourists, Forbes Advisor compared 60 international cities across the following seven metrics:

  • Travel safety rating: 20% of score. Data comes from The United States Department of State, 2024. This metric reflects country-level data.
  • Crime risk: 17% of score. This metric provides an estimation of the overall level of crime in each city. Data comes from Numbeo, 2024.
  • Personal security risk: 17% of score. This metric considers how at-risk citizens are from crime, violence, terrorist threats, natural disasters and economic vulnerabilities. Data comes from The Economist, 2021.
  • Health security risk: 17% of score. This metric reflects the level and quality of healthcare services and infrastructure in a city. Data comes from The Economist, 2021.
  • Infrastructure security risk: 10% of score. This metric reflects the availability and quality of city infrastructure and its vulnerability to man-made and natural disasters. Data comes from The Economist, 2021.
  • Natural disaster risk: 10% of score. This metric reflects exposure and vulnerability to natural disasters. Data comes from The World Risk Report, published by Ruhr University Bochum, 2023.
  • Digital security risk: 9% of score. This metric reflects the ability of citizens to freely use the internet without fear of privacy violations, identity theft and online attacks. Data comes from The Economist, 2021.