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As travel surveys go, this one is a real eye-opener. Or should that be an eye-closer?

New research has shown 38% of Aussies average just six hours sleep or less a night, leaving more than a third of us feeling tired frequently or all the time.

What’s more, many Australians have fallen asleep at the wheel, on the toilet and even during sex.

Three in 10 admit they don’t get enough sleep because they stay up late scrolling social media while a quarter of Australians have fallen asleep at their desk.

The research was done by Hobart’s luxury hotel MACq 01, who set out to find what’s keeping us all up at night.

Their survey comes as ‘sleep tourism’ becomes one of the biggest travel trends of 2024, with more than 50 million posts on TikTok.

Key stats of the survey:

# More than half of Australians are too anxious, or worrying about work, bills and cost of living to get to sleep

# Four in 10 Australians have used prescription medication, or natural medication to get to sleep

# Three in 10 say they don’t get enough sleep because they have stayed up late scrolling social media on their phone

# One in 10 have been kept awake because their pet sleeps in their bed or say their snoring or wriggling partner has kept them up

# Five per cent have nodded off during sex

To help alleviate the problem, Sleep Expert Shea Morrison has curated the MACq 01 ‘Pay By Sleep Slumber Suite’, where the more you sleep, the cheaper your bill will be.

Any travellers booking a two night stay between now and September 30 can cut $100 off their bill for every hour of sleep they get over six hours – so anyone who gets a full nine hours will bag their night for free.

“It’s no surprise that Australia is in a sleep crisis, with our busy lives and endless to-do lists,” said Ms Morrison.

“We’ve curated the Slumber Suite with every natural sleep aid a tuckered out guest would need for the perfect sleep.”