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Q: What was your first ever job and what did you learn from it that you still use today?

A: Funnily enough I landed my first job selling my car to a car dealer. Though he never bought my car, he offered me a job instead in their wholesale team.

There’s a common stereotype selling used cars that I wanted to avoid, so I learnt how important it was to do business with integrity and honesty, to build and maintain strong relationships.

I think this is true in any role and still focus on this every day. Strong relationships are invaluable, both internally and with clients or customers and honesty and integrity are at the heart of these.

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you start a new position?

A: I try to get to know the team quickly and not just my own department. You tend to learn the ins and outs very quickly this way and where you can add value first, or quickly.

I’ve found if you prioritise the people first, you’ll get to know the business much faster and it’ll be easier to make a positive impact, generally with support.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career in travel now?

A: I think being pro-active and showing initiative is really important. Even if there’s no opportunity, make your interest known. It doesn’t take too much to stand out from the crowd.

Those that are in hiring positions love seeing initiative and drive and often they hire on soft skills over anything else. If you can present these values, you’re likely to stand out to get their attention and, if not an opportunity, then at worst some great advice.

Q: What has the pandemic taught you about yourself?

A: The influence that exercise has on my mood and motivation. It was remarkable to notice this shift when we were in lockdowns and my fitness and exercise routine was interrupted.

Being positive and doing things with energy is important in a startup environment and particularly in a growth and leadership role.

The pandemic really made me aware of how much more positive and energetic my mindset is when exercising regularly. Nedd Brockmann reiterates this!

Q: Aisle or window seat and why?

A: Window seat, though not overly phased! Window seat I find better because it’s easier to settle into sleep or a movie without needing to get up to let others go to the bathroom!

Q: What’s the first thing you do when you get into the office?

A: Fill up my water bottle, have some banter with the team and read Traveltalk.

Q: What are some of your favourite spots around the world and why?

A: Hmm…there’s three that come to mind quickly.

Firstly, the Swiss alps. Summer the Lauterbrunnen & Bernese Oberland (the valley of waterfalls) and Verbier in Winter. I love outdoor sports, activities and adventure. The scenery is incredible and there is so much to see and do.

Secondly, Cape Town. Recently spent two weeks there and fell in love with it and Cape Winelands (Stellenbosch). Incredible value for money and like the Swiss alps the scenery is amazing and the vibe in Kloof Street in Camps Bay is great.

Lastly, my local favourite is Noosa. I fortunately get to visit frequently to see family and it’s just such an unbeatable Aussie beach destination. It’s not (yet) overdone like Byron, I could easily live there.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about working with PlanPay?

A: Our team has worked really hard to build and market a great product, and we’re on a pretty big mission.

I’m really looking forward to the momentum picking up with some big global partners and celebrating the success stories from these with the team and sharing in the industry.

We know PlanPay is already a huge hit with travellers, so I’m really looking forward to the feeling of enabling more people around the world to go on their favourite escapes or bucket list holidays.