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IT SEEMS the sky’s the limit when it comes to sex abroad for randy Aussie travellers.

That’s the flirty finding of a new survey by Travello of the travel behaviours of Australians aged 18-54.

The landmark research reveals some eye-opening, amusing and downright raucous holiday habits.

A whopping 86 per cent of Aussies have more sex with their partner on holiday, 73 per cent have a more adventurous sex life (i.e., sex outdoors, in public locations, threesomes etc.), and 54 per cent have had a holiday fling.

As amusing as the so-called bedroom antics of Aussie travellers is, holidays can also be a volatile time for others.

More than seven in 10 (71 per cent) admitted to needing some alone time when on holiday, while 21 per cent have ended a trip early due to a row.

For 12 per cent, the holiday has proven to be the final straw, with the relationship dying a quick death and making for a very awkward flight home (or maybe the same people are the ones having the holiday flings…)

“Our findings provide a unique insight into the transformative power of travel on relationships,” said Ryan Hanly, Co-Founder and CEO of Travello.

“From reigniting the spark in a long-term relationship to creating new and exciting experiences with a partner, holidays provide the perfect setting for couples to deepen their connection.”