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SEX DUNGEONS and the travel tour that included a funeral. Enjoy the travel stories and meet DAN LAKE, Traveltalk’s colourful new digital editor.

Q: Dan, we’re thrilled to have you onboard at Traveltalk. Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself?

A: I worked in a television newsroom in New Zealand for 16 years where I covered everything from politics to natural disasters. But throughout that time, I had a blog on the side that I ran as an outlet for my passion for travel.

This became a full-time job when the newsroom I worked in launched a travel website. COVID brought an end to this, but after returning to TV news, I knew I wasn’t over with travel and I wanted to get right back into it. So, I spread my wings and headed to Sydney.

I’m also a massive cricket fan and a very proud member of the LGBT community.

Q: What is it about travel that made you want to work in the travel industry?

A: Just about everyone I meet in this industry has one thing in common. Their genuine passion for travel and what a travel experience can bring to someone’s life and their outlook on the world.

Just like me, everyone has an early travel memory that’s stuck with them and influenced their lives so much that they’ve built a career out of it.


Q: You’re a Kiwi so New Zealand is probably going to feature heavily here but what are some of your fave places around the world?

A: There are so many I’m yet to see, but I am a big fan of California. Los Angeles has its haters, but anyone who hasn’t enjoyed that part of the world just hasn’t found the part of it that’s right for them. There’s a place in LA for everyone.

I’m also yet to visit a place in South-East Asia that I haven’t fallen in love with.

Q: And what are some of the bucket list destinations that you’re hoping the generous and obliging bosses of Traveltalk might let you visit going forward?

A: Oh, this is a tough one. There are so many places I’m yet to visit. South-East Asia, Japan, Thailand and various places within the United States… I think you may need more pages if I was to list them all!

Q: Any amusing (or disastrous) travel stories you’d like to share with our audience?

A: Does this magazine have a rating? There was the unfortunate time I went looking for an authentic, genuine, G-rated massage in Berlin and managed to find myself in some sort of sex dungeon. I promise I thought I’d done all the research. Well, I thought I had at least.

Then there was the tour guide who shared with us that his best friend’s funeral was taking place at the same time as our tour…. so decided to take us to the funeral.

Q: Obviously you recognise class when you see it but what was it that attracted you to join our excellent team?

A: You are all genuine, nice, friendly, passionate people. Jon (Underwood, Managing Editor) was the first person to make the effort to get to know me when I moved to Sydney and didn’t know anyone, so I’m proud to be working with such a lovely group of people.

Q: How do you see the state of the Australian travel industry as we begin a new year and travel in general?

A: I feel like we’ve entered the Conrod Straight of the post-pandemic world. The past couple of years the industry has been going up a gear or two, but now we are ready to put the foot down and get back to full speed.

Q: Finally, what can we expect to see as you assume the mantle of digital editor and enhance Traveltalk’s industry leading reputation?

A: There will be more coverage of the stories that Traveltalk’s loyal readers want to read about. There will also be some fun and a few new ideas coming down the pipeline as well.

I am particularly looking forward to starting our new podcast series later in the year as well.

I’m also really keen to hear more from the people in the industry and what’s going on for them in their part of the world. My inbox is always open to anyone, no matter how big or small their business.

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