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1 Participate in carbon offset programs for flights

With aviation accounting for at least two per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions, we need to consider our carbon footprint when opting to fly to our next destination.

Whenever possible, choose to fly direct because take-off and landing use the most jet fuel on every flight.

Use tools to track how much carbon emissions your flight emits and select carbon offset options to support projects that reduce, capture or avoid carbon emissions in an amount equivalent to your carbon footprint.


2 Consider train travel as an alternative

On average, trains are one of the most energy-efficient means of transportation, making them an eco-friendly travel choice.

Train travel can also be relaxing and enjoyable, allowing you to take in the scenery and avoid the stress of navigating busy airports or unfamiliar road conditions.

Train travel not only benefits the environment but can also be more convenient. Major train stations often offer amenities to improve your travel experience, such as the option to drop your bags off with Radical Storage at the train station. This service allows you to explore the city freely without the burden of carrying your bags around.

Furthermore, train networks frequently connect a multitude of destinations, including remote and rural areas not easily accessible by air. This connectivity gives you the opportunity to plan a more diverse itinerary that can include multiple stops within a single trip, all without the need to rent a car or take multiple flights. 

3 Rent electric cars rather than gasoline vehicles

Choosing electric vehicles over gasoline ones also allows you to take carbon reduction into your own hands – while the building and charging processes still emit carbon, fully electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions and reduce air pollution.

With the increasing availability of charging stations, it has become more convenient to charge electric cars on the go.


4 Bring your own toiletries and avoid single-use items

Plastic production has grown to more than 380 million tons per year. Microplastics, in particular, have become yet another permanent and pervasive human imprint on the environment, presenting a grave threat to the health of humans as well as other species.

This year, “Planet vs. Plastics” is chosen as the theme for Earth Day, which commits to a 60 per cent reduction in the production of plastics by 2040.


5 Support local communities and empower best practices

Getting to know local communities can often provide insights into how people interact with their environments.

Stay at locally owned accommodations, eat at local restaurants and purchase goods from local artisans and your immersive travel experience will also contribute to economic growth.

Responsible practices, such as respecting local customs, conserving natural resources and supporting environmental initiatives, further help preserve the cultural heritage and natural beauty of the destination.


6 Head to hidden gems and prevent over-tourism

Overtourism, which refers to too many tourists going to a particular destination, can strain local resources, damage fragile ecosystems and disrupt the lives of residents.

By checking out lesser-known destinations and off-the-beaten-path attractions, travellers can help alleviate the burden on tourist hotspots, thus mitigating overtourism.

This approach allows for a more authentic travel experience and contributes to a more balanced tourism industry.


7 Limit carbon emissions in business travel

Environmental awareness should not be limited to personal travel. As face-to-face business meetings return after the pandemic, corporate travel has again contributed to global carbon emissions.

More and more companies today are keen to reduce their environmental footprint by holding video conferences, creating carbon budgets for business travel and encouraging employees to opt for low-carbon practices.


8 Share your love for nature with others

Your trip doesn’t have to end when you get home. By showcasing the beauty of the places you visit, you can inspire others to appreciate and protect these destinations.

However, it is crucial to be mindful of the impact of your posts. Avoid geotagging sensitive locations, respect wildlife by maintaining a safe distance and encourage responsible behaviour in your captions.